4th Grade Roller Coasters
December 09, 2024
We are about to wrap up the second nine weeks of the 2024-2025 school year. 4th grade has been working hard in all subjects this school year. In phonics they have been working on Open/Closed/Schwa/VCE/R-Controlled words and syllables. In reading they have completed Figurative Language, Plot, Vocabulary, Theme, Point of View, Drama, Make and Confirm Predictions, and Comprehension skills. In math they have shown growth in place value, adding, subtracting, multiplication, and division. We have started learning about all 50 states. Eventually they will complete a social studies state assessment. For this assessment they will choose one state and show their knowledge by presenting a google slides presentation.
Before social studies they completed a unit on motion. During this unit they learned how motion occurred and where objects get energy from. We focused on roller coasters for a couple lessons. The students were able to make and design their own roller coaster with classmates. The students dedicated a whole week synergizing together to get the marble from the highest point to a cup/bowl at the lowest point. Some teams added hills and curves to their roller coaster. Other teams went through tunnels and under tables. They kids truly enjoyed the project.